On Friday, I took the dreaded AP US History Exam. Now, I have a C average in my class of 7 students (namely for not turning in the DBQS -Document Based Questions- on time and not doing so well on tests) and was freaking out all week about it. I got REA's APUSH Crash Course book to help me and I'll be honest. I didn't really crack it open until this week. I had a Biology EOC on Tuesday and English 10 EOC on Wednesday to take, which if I get proficient or advanced I won't have to take the Final for it. I'm certain I passed English but no so sure about Bio...
Anyways. Thursday night after a soccer game, I pretty much CRAMMED for the test. Went to sleep HAD A DREAM about the exam, woke up and study some more, went back to sleep, woke up took a shower PUT ON MY CROSS (and prayed to Baby Jesus throughout the morning, I kid you not,) walked nervously up and down the school hallways and went into the exam with my 2 friends who were taking it. Yeah, only 3 of us took it. I was there from 8-12. Surprisingly enough, I wasn't tired (had lots of adrenaline) and I think I did okay. When I saw the DBQ I almost jumped out of my seat. It was easier than I expected. The Free Response Questions were pretty good, too! All in all, I am so grateful for REA's Crash Course book. Because of that book, I think I got at least a 3. This means, I'll be able to get college credit hours for it!!!
And now, I'm seriously considering taking 5 AP test next year and 4 my senior year or something. SERIOUSLY. Only, like, 4 will be after taking the actual classes and the rest will be self-studying. The test was actually kind of enjoyable. AND I missed all my classes except health, where we were watching The Blindside and APUSH, where it was an easy day.
On Wednesday, May 12, I will be turning 16. Normally, I am a Negative Nancy on my birthdays but you only turn 16 once. I am sad to say that I still don't have my permit and no one will teach me how to drive...hopefully all that will change very soon!
Anyways, I'm thinking about having a birthday giveaway. I'm not sure what I can do yet. If you would like to donate anything, please contact me at infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com .

1 comment:
I got a 4 on the AP US history test and got 6 hours of college credit for it! Not bad :)
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