Friday, November 27, 2009

A little update.

Hello! I hope every who celebrates Thanksgiving had a great one! C:
Just some quick info for the readers of my blog...
• Katie at Sophistikatied reviews is working on making me a new blog header, layout, and blog button. From what I've seen so far, it looks amazing and so pretty!
• I haven't been updating as much as I've wanted to. But since I'm on Thanksgiving break (until Monday) I've been trying to complete all my school work + everything else I need to do and then catch up on a lot of reading. Here are some reviews you should expect within the next week or so: The Man of My Dreams, Random Magic, Something, Maybe, The Lovely Bones, and a few more. Also be expecting an interview with Tish Cohen (author of Little Black Lies)
• Will be hosting a contest for the month of December and be having my own coming up soon. Be watching the reviews, some of them will be used for extra entries. ;)

In the meantime, check out my latest reviews: FADE by Lisa McMann and FOURTH COMINGS by Megan McCafferty also check out my interview with Sasha Soren HERE.

I would also like to take this time to thank all the followers/subscribers of my blog. I've reached 130! C:

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